Seminar on Lighting and Lighting Control

A seminar on “Lighting and Lighting Control” was organised by SmartBuilding on September 26, 2017. The seminar was held in Rogner Hotel Tirana and its main aim was to present the lighting solutions offered by Delta Light and latest Lighting Control Solutions offered by Lutron Electronics. Delta Light is a market leader and trendsetter in architectural lighting while Lutron is a leader in the lighting control industry. There were present more than 30 architects from some of the most well-known studios in Tirana. Thanks to the speakers Anne Dupont, Area Manager, International Sales from Delta Light and Frank Hess, Regional Sales Manager Central & Eastern Europe, at Lutron Electronics Inc, the seminar resulted very interesting to the participants. The seminar was concluded with a business lunch, a good opportunity for networking and business cards exchanging. Special thanks from SmartBuilding to all the participants who honored this activity with their presence!
